Tesla’s resilience is forcing veteran automakers to draw the battle lines on diesel

By Simon Alvarez Posted on May 26, 2019 There are probably very few companies in the market that have attracted the same amount of skepticism as Tesla. Since it started producing its first vehicle, the original Tesla Roadster, more than a decade ago, the “impending” death of the company has been foretold. Despite this, the …

Tesla owners Summon a flash mob in parking lot antics

By Dacia J. Ferris Posted on May 25, 2019 Tesla’s remotely-controlled Summon feature was primarily designed to assist owners with parking their electric cars in tight spaces, but with a little creativity, it can provide quality entertainment as well. If you’ve ever seen a flash mob dance event published online, you may be happy to …

Tesla to cap battery at 80% charge in high-usage Supercharger stations to increase site throughput

By Simon Alvarez Posted on May 24, 2019 Tesla has recently announced that it is rolling out an update to improve the throughput of its busiest Superchargers stations in North America by up to 34%. With the new optimizations in place, the electric car maker’s expansive charging network would be capable of serving significantly more …