Sweden’s largest union joins strikes against Tesla

By Zachary Visconti Posted on May 14, 2024 Strikes lodged in Sweden against Tesla have lasted six months, and this week, the country’s largest union announced that it will also back the labor effort. Along with over a dozen unions that have launched simultaneous action in support of IF Metall’s strikes against Tesla, Sweden’s largest …

Transport Workers Union’s sympathy strike fails

By Maria Merano Posted on December 22, 2023 The Swedish Transport Workers union joined IF Metall’s fight against Tesla and plans to hold a sympathy strike. However, the union faces some challenges with the employers association in Sweden. A few days ago, Sweden’s Transport Workers union announced it would stop collecting waste from local Tesla …

Tesla Sweden prioritizes employee safety as they receive threats 

By Maria Merano Posted on December 8, 2023 Tesla and IF Metall’s battle in Sweden is reaching dangerous levels as the automaker reports that employees have received threats on social media. Tesla is now prioritizing the safety of employees while the IF Metall strike continues.  Jönköpings-Posten (JP) recently visited Tesla’s new facility in Hedenstorp and …