Winter Shoes – Alloy Wheels in Winter

One of the biggest problems us car enthusiasts face every year is the dreaded winter period when the roads get covered in salt and it attacks your alloy wheels, under your arches and the underside of your car. We can try and wash it off, but washing your car in winter is very depressing as 5 minutes after you have driven it down the road – its mucky again!

The easiest way to look after your alloy wheels in winter, is by taking them off completely! Many of my friends (and me at one point) have a spare set of wheels that were either the original factory fitted alloy wheels, or they were ones picked up at a bargain price just to use in those salt covered months!

If you are not fortunate enough to own 2 sets of wheels, then you can try washing and waxing your wheels. This should help stop stuff sticking to the wheel and will hopefully keep them shiny!

A lot of people choose to garage their whole car over winter and use some kind of winter runabout, if you are in a position to have more than one car then this is the ideal way of preserving your hard work and keeping your modified/performance/show car in pristine condition!

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