Buy hard: 1954 Chevrolet truck built for Bruce Willis up for auction

A custom 1954 Chevrolet 3100 truck built for and previously owned by action movie star Bruce Willis will hit the Barrett-Jackson auction block in January. The auction listing said the truck was built for the Die Hard star in the early 1990s. He owned it until November 2014, when he sold it to a friend …

Porsche’s new plan for drivers? An app for the world’s best roads

Porsche wants to take drivers to some of the world’s best driving roads, and now, there’s an app for that. The brand announced its new “Porsche Road Trip” app for iOS on Friday, which pegs the best roads across the world for drivers to experience. So far, Porsche has mapped roads in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, …

2020 Mustang GT500, Rivian R1T and R1S, 2020 Jeep Gladiator: The Week In Reverse

Ford teased the upcoming Shelby GT500’s engine and confirmed its debut; startup Rivian debuted the R1T and R1S electric pickup and SUV concepts; Jeep revealed the 2020 Gladiator pickup truck. It’s the Week in Reverse, right here at Motor Authority. Ford not only confirmed the 2020 Shelby Mustang GT500 will make its grand debut at …